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Non-Free Warning at Package Install -- Was: Alternate proposal

Chris Lawrence <quango@watervalley.net> writes:

> After all, irritating your user base is nothing except good customer
> service. :p
> I could support such a thing if it were done *once*.  Any more and
> you're getting to the area of nagware.

As a user, I would prefer if it happened every time.  With apt it is
not really easy to know when non-free software is coming on too my
system unless I'm particularly astute.

I think that it is nothing like nagging.  We are doing the user a
service by making them aware that they are about to install a package
which they must treat differently then all of the packages in official
Debian.  That they should read the license and verify that their usage
patterns will fit it's requirements.  This is really important for
businesses and for those users who do not want to be in violation of
licenses.  I do not see it as nagging at all, it's educating, and that
is a great service we can do our users.

I would also like for it to be easy for me to determine which non-free
packages are on my system.  I'm no dpkg slouch, but I haven't figured
out an easy way (less than 10 minutes of awk scripting) to do it yet.

> Oh, and drop the caps.  (a) I intensely dislike being shouted at and
> (b) I make a concerted effort not to read things that are shouted at
> me that are of length >= 100 characters.

My eyes glaze when I see that many caps too.  I think this is the only
aspect of the example, it was just an example, that makes it anything
like nagware.

Craig Brozefsky                         <craig@red-bean.com>
Free Scheme/Lisp Software     http://www.red-bean.com/~craig
I say woe unto those who are wise in their own eyes, and yet
imprudent in 'dem outside                            -Sizzla

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