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Re: [PROPOSED] Michael Bramer must stop spamming or be expelled

On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 06:37:32PM -0500, Chris Lawrence wrote:
> I propose that Debian developers make reasonable efforts to resolve
> disputes off-list before proposing general resolutions of a personal
> nature.

Michael was asked many times, on and off-list, to stop sending
unsolicited emails.  His response was initially that no one should be
able to opt out, because DDTS was good for the Debian Project, therefore
his emails must be good (fallacious reasoning -- and if you don't
believe me, read the debian-devel list archives).  After pressure was
applied, he implemented a crude opt-out policy which didn't work -- many
maintainers continued to get unsolicited mail from him.  You'll note
that his automatic mails started over a month ago.  My proposed General
Resolution was far from the first attempt to get him to stop.

He continues to assert on debian-devel that he should have the right to
send unsolicited, automatic mails with a default policy of having every
maintainer subscribed to his list.

Many of the people in support of his actions do not appear to understand
that it is the automatic, unsolicited emails with an "opt-out" (as
opposed to "opt-in") policy that is being objected to, not the operation
of a translation tracking server.  Instead, they assert that people who
don't like receiving these automatic, unsolicited mails from Michael
"HATE i18n".

I trust it is not necessary to explain why this assertion is utterly

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      Please do not look directly into
branden@debian.org                 |      laser with remaining eye.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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