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Re: Vote Robinson for DPL!

Ean Schuessler <ean@brainfood.com> wrote:
> The obfuscation continues! Let's not get caught up in the actual problems I'm 
> trying to put on the table. Let's stay focused on the fact that discussing 
> mistakes and the efforts to correct them makes you persona non grata.

When you were appointed President in July 2003, Branden had
found an accountant to help with the work. From the minutes, it
seems the SPI board did not revisit this topic before Branden's
resignation is mentioned in January 2004.  By May 2004, the
apologies are being sent out.

In general, status reports seem few and far between in the
minutes. Aren't they meant to be part of the normal order of
business under the SPI by-laws? As you were so happy to point
out last summer, doesn't the president have some responsibility
for checking SPI follows the by-laws?

There do seem to have been problems with SPI. I don't think
one member of the board can put the blame solely on one other
member of it without clear evidence. At best, your abrasive
hectoring conduct as SPI president did not seem to help. I
don't think you should be so keen to raise this topic again.

I don't think the SPI problems makes transparency and
accountability any more or less of an issue in the DPL elections
than it would have been otherwise. I would like to ask all
candidates about them, but let's wait for campaigning to start.


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