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Re: Question to all candidates: Ongoing/future legal projects


On Thu, 17 Mar 2022 10:57:59 -0400
Molly dB <deblanc@riseup.net> wrote:
> In November 2021, it was discussed in debian-private that a team from
> Debian had been working with a lawyer for a while. (Not sharing
> details: issues remain ongoing.) How would you transition into taking
> on this particular responsibility and similar longer running issues
> should they arise in the future?

 I want to clarify your question a bit: You mean the term limit causes
 the problem to deal with such long term issue?

 And what is the current problem? If it would be lack of knowledge/info/skill
 to new team, adding trainee to your team may help (as I said in my platform
 as "式年遷宮"). 

Hideki Yamane <henrich@iijmio-mail.jp>

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