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Re: To all candidates: Debian and people with disabilities

Hi Devin,

On 3/20/22 18:09, Devin Prater wrote:
* Currently, Debian backports is how people with disabilities can get the most up-to-date accessibility fixes and improvements while remaining on a stable base system. For example, the newest version of the Orca screen reader, with all of its fixes, and newest version of ATSPI, the thing that makes Orca able to talk to applications. Would you be willing to entertain the idea of moving those updates directly to Debian stable?

This is up to the Debian Stable release team to decide, and that's not something the DPL can override. The TC or a GR could. But best would be to use the normal way: be convincing when discussing with the release team.

* In many desktop environments, a user cannot use their assistive technologies effectively unless they find and check a box enabling the use of assistive technologies. Do you think that this is good and fair to users?

The DPL can give you his opinion, but even with super DPL power, he cannot act on the issue better than any other DD, IMO... At best, the DPL could influence others and push them to work on the problem.

Just an idea: how about we create a day per year, where all DDs are invited to work on accessibility issues? I'm not volunteering for organizing such a day, just giving the idea for the accessibility team to pick-up... I'd volunteer a day per year, if I'm given a list of tasks I can act on!


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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