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Re: This does not have to be a GR

On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 04:54:30PM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Bill Allombert dijo [Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 10:26:09PM +0100]:
> > Dear Debian voters,
> > 
> > While Debian has stakes in the CRA, and should issue a statement if
> > only to show we exists, I am quite sure that a GR is not necessary for Debian
> > to issue such statement, and I am quite unconvinced the GR process is the best
> > option for the purpose of drafting such statement.
> > 
> > I note that this is not the first law proposal that impact Debian and we never
> > did used the GR process for issuing a position statement.

> We never did _successfully_ use it. We have _tried_ to use it
> (i.e. 2021_002).

Sorry, I meant 'a position statement with respect to a law proposal'.

> This text was in fact drafted by a lawyer (I don't know if by a _set_
> of lawyers) and discussed among DDs at several in-person meetings
> before reaching this stage. I strongly advocated using the GR process,
> as it has already been subjected to a long discussion, and the
> timeframe for it to be usefully considered is drawing to an end.

Was it drafted by a lawyer familiar with EU law ?
We should have started by having a EU lawyer explaining what the CRA
actually mean and proceed from that.

> At this point, and in part given that GR 2021_003 introduced time
> limits, I think the GR process might produce the swiftest results, and
> it will yield the best legitimacy-wise (i.e. the whole project is
> invited to debate and improve the proposed text, and accept it
> above/below the approval threshold.

But this might as well degenerate into a political referendum having little
to do with Debian. As it stands we have two ballots which are similar in intent
except that one is worded to be more EU-optimistic than the other. So at the
end of the day, the GR will be a referral whether DDs are more EU-pessimistic or
EU-optimistic. I repect my fellow DD political views, but this is not the purpose
of Debian to query its members opinions about a topic¹ unrelated to the social
contract. This will only fracture the project.

If we want a GR, we should focus on having a single ballot option, that strive to
be neutral and straight to the point.

Maybe a ballot option delegating the issuing of a statement to the DPL ?

¹ especially one when we are bound to have widely different but valid 
views depending on where we live.

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here.

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