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[pkg-wine-party] Bug#750880: Bug#750880: wine-unstable breaks winetricks

control: reassign -1 src:winetricks

On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Mike McGuire wrote:
> Trying to run winetricks results in the following output:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> WINE is wine, which is neither on the path nor an executable file
> ------------------------------------------------------
> I don't know if there's any easy fix for this but I found a couple
> workarounds:
> 1. ln -s /usr/lib/wine-unstable/wine /usr/bin/wine
> 2. run winetricks with environment variable WINE=wine-unstable
> I guess something could be added to the README or something.

I'm not planning to provide a wine executable in wine-unstable.  I
recommend that winetricks broaden the set of executables it may
attempt to launch.

Best wishes,

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