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[pkg-wine-party] Bug#793879: Failed to connect to the mount manager in win64

On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 01:33:22 AM Jens Reyer wrote:
> Given your "file" results your exe is 32-bit, so use this (again, after
> deleting your old .wine and .wine64):
>   export WINEARCH=win32
>   wine amhc34062b.exe

Okay, so this is weird:

$ wine amhc34062b.exe 
error: unable to find wine executable.  this shouldn't happen.

Before this:

$ rm -fr .wine
$ rm -fr .wine64/$
$ export WINEARCH=win32
$ wine amhc34062b.exe 
wine: created the configuration directory '/home/echristensen/.wine64'
wine: '/home/echristensen/.wine64' is a 32-bit installation, it cannot support 
64-bit applications.

>From there, I made sure I removed wine64 and even removed wine and reinstalled 
it.  That yielded the "unable to find wine executable" error.


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