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[pkg-wine-party] Bug#793551: Bug#793551: Bug#793551: wine-development and khronos-api uploads to jessie-backports

On 08/15/2015 05:17 PM, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 9:29 PM, jre wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> FYI (no RFS, but feedback is welcome): I've uploaded jessie-backports of
>> wine-development and khronos-api to mentors.debian.net. I will further
>> test them the next days, but given debdiff *.dsc looks good and I used
>> cowbuilder et.al I strongly assume that they are fine. I will follow up
>> when I've done the testing, or if you have any remarks.
> Hi,
> Just a couple comments.  There is no need for the 1.7.48 changelog
> entry since that was never uploaded.

Right, I was unsure about that and decided to handle it like an regular
upload. Changed.

> Please use a real email address rather than the alioth one.


> Somewhat nitpicky, but bug numbers should
> be preceded by a # in a closes.

Whoops, fixed.
Thanks for the feedback!

> I can sponsor khronos-api, unless someone beats me to it, but I'm
> going to deffer to others to do wine since I don't want to keep up
> with the rapidity of uploading it to both backports and unstable.

Whoo, (I hope) I first misread that and thought you were going to stop
the regular uploads to unstable.

If this is not going to happen the rest should be solvable. In
short-term Stephen already offered to sponsor wine. Mid-term I'd apply
as Debian Maintainer. I'd hope that you and Stephen are willing to
advocate me then. (I might also be able to upload to backports sooner,
given a short discussion with rhonda yesterday, although he wasn't
exactly sure about that).

Currently I'm at DebConf, so my focus isn't on wine right now and it
might take me till next week to upload a fixed and tested
wine-development to mentors.


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