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Re: dxvk requires libvulkan-1.lib + other questions

On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 11:54 AM Alexandre Viau wrote:
> My understanding is that these .lib files are actually Windows
> libraries? Would it be possible to build vulkan-1.lib as part of
> vulkan's Debian package?

libz-mingw-w64 is one example of a windows library package that made
its way into debian.  I haven't looked at it myself, but it may be
useful as a reference.  It is a separate source package, which may be
a sign of maintainer's willingness (or lack thereof) to include mingw
bits in their packages.

The vkd3d package is also slightly related. It is used by wine to
implement Direct3D 12.

> I am still not sure of the best approach for this. Maybe I should just
> create a multi-arch package that installs only the x32 or only the x64
> dlls to /usr/lib/triplet/dxvk instead?

Multiarch is correct.  The dlls you mention are already shipped by the
wine package, you can take a look at /usr/lib/triplet/wine/*.  It
should look just like that.

It looks like upstream's recommendation is to directly overwriting the
dll files in the user's wine prefix.  It would be wrong to do this to
the wine package's prefix, so please make sure dxvk either uses a
separate prefix or that it overrides dlls in a way that doesn't affect
the wine package itself (causing inevitable bug reports).

Best wishes,

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