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Re: RFS for icoextract (exe-thumbnailer successor)


Since the transitional package question has been fixed, can somebody
take another a look at icoextract?

The new code is at https://salsa.debian.org/wine-team/icoextract


On 2019-12-22 1:04 p.m., James Lu wrote:
> Hi all,
> A while ago I posted about icoextract, my icon extractor library for
> Windows PE files[1]. This is a new library written in Python using
> pefile for resource extraction and pillow (python-pil) for thumbnail
> conversion.
> I've since prepared Debian packaging for the project, tentatively placed
> at https://salsa.debian.org/jlu-guest/icoextract. (I couldn't push to
> wine-team/icoextract since I don't have permissions to set a default
> branch?)
> The packaging is split into 3 binary packages:
>   python3-icoextract: the library portion of icoextract
>   icoextract: the icoextract command line tools (icoextract & icolist)
>   icoextract-thumbnailer: icoextract's exe-thumbnailer rewrite
> (conflicts/provides with exe-thumbnailer)
> In my testing, icoextract's thumbnailer seems stable enough - I've
> thrown two dozen installer exes (including 900MB(!) installer packages
> that wrestool struggles with), and a Windows installation's files at it
> without any issue. The project also includes a basic round-trip test
> case using MinGW to compile a dummy .exe[2].
> With all this in mind, I'm inclined to deprecate the existing
> exe-thumbnailer unless someone else wants to work on it. However, since
> icoextract is new & has a lower version (0.1.0) than exe-thumbnailer,
> I'm not exactly sure how to set up a transitional package. Any advice on
> this would be appreciated!
> Best,
> James
> [1]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-wine/2019/10/msg00008.html
> [2]: https://github.com/jlu5/icoextract/tree/master/tests

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