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Bug#141971: taking over elm-me+

Hi Janusz!

You wrote:

> Hello... you are faster than me.. as avid Elm fan I was waiting to get my
> developer status before adopting the package..if you need help (or would
> wand to hand over the package in future), let me know.

Well, I'm mostly interested in elm-me+ because of frm and nfrm. Since
you're a real elm user, you can have the package if you want. I'll be
happy to sponsor your uploads, even.

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw                  | Si l'on sait exactement ce   |
|--------------------------------| que l'on va faire, a quoi    |
|  zoetekw@phys.uu.nl            | bon le faire?                |
| bas@A-Eskwadraat.nl            |               Pablo Picasso  |

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