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Bug#361253: twill not required

Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
> James Andrewartha wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Twill isn't required, it's only used as a means of getting pyparsing, which
>> is already in Debian as python-pyparsing. To quote from GNUMakefile:
> but as far as I've seen it (using grep, didn't have the time to try to
> read trough the code - so please bear with me), does testgen requiere
> twill, and testgen is imported from a Product:
> ZenModel/RRDDataSource.py:                from testgen import twillshell
> and in testgen
> handler.py:        from twill import get_browser
> handler is imported from twillshell.
> What did I miss here?

Ah, I didn't actually look at the source, I stand corrected.

> Thanks for you input, very appreciated!
> I also found
> http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1551&highlight= - I
> guess that will be helpful on packaging.

> Seems you're running zenoss under zope2.9, are you using Five which is
> delivered with zope2.9 or Five form the zenoss Products?

I'm using the Five from zope2.9 - the Five in zenoss caused an error,
googling revealed it to be from the older version shipped with zenoss so I
just deleted it.

Other things from reading http://bzed.de/debian/packages/zenoss/start
- My setup does use MySQL, I forgot to mention that.
- The pysnmp used is version pysnmp3 which isn't a stable release and there
are imports like
"from pysnmp.compat.pysnmp2x import asn1, v1"
- What are all the .conf files in $ZENHOME/etc for?
- A lot of the commands in bin are control programs for the various
- zensyslog conflicts with the existing sysklogd, how to resolve?
- Maybe recommends: sendpage-server.
- Grab winexe from samba4 packages, although it doesn't seem to be in
http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-samba/branches/samba4/?rev=0&sc=0 at all.

James Andrewartha

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