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Bug#926966: RFA: vim-lastplace

Hello Yue Lan,

since you are already in touch with James, could you ask him, if he is
willing to sponsor the package?

I have not much time right now and never worked with dh-vim-addon before.

He can also give you access to [0] repo.


[0] https://salsa.debian.org/vim-team/vim-lastplace

On 5/29/19 3:31 AM, Yue Lan wrote:
> Hello, David.
> I've forked vim-lastplace and create a new branch using dh-vim-addon for
> package-rebuilding[0].
> With James' help[1], I fixed some problem.
> Could you please help me check it out again?
> Yours
>     Yue Lan
> [0]
> https://salsa.debian.org/larue-guest/vim-lastplace/tree/with-dh-vim-addon
> [1] https://salsa.debian.org/vim-team/vim-debian/issues/2

⚑ libertⒶd ⚑

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