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Bug#950198: restinio

On 2020-04-28 7:19 a.m., Felix Salfelder wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 01:22:29PM +0200, Sébastien Delafond wrote:
> Towards the original goal (getting Jami into Debian), I have reworded
> the cmake patch description and improved the package based on your
> proposed changes.
> - cleanup rules, add the MULTIARCH bit
> - more on d/copyright
> - cmake dependency
> - d/watch

thank you Seb <3!

>> As I don't intend to maintain restinio in the long run, I don't feel the
>> need to argue this any further, and will happily defer to Alexandre's
>> opinion.
> I acknowledge that running the tests is of importance to you. I will
> certainly take that into consideration.
> To proceed, we need restinio in NEW. If you (or anybody else follwing
> this conversation) wishes to help, please review and/or sponsor [1].


I am following the conversation.

> Looking at Alexandre's Jami package, I infer that small(er) tarballs are
> in his interest. I do not actually know, and if it helps, I am not going
> to decide how the 0.6.6 package will look like.

Alright so I am going to step in on the small or big tarball debate.

We definitely want to run the tests if that is possible, and we also
want to avoid shipping bundled dependencies if that is possible.

Debian isn't only interested in getting Jami working, we are also
interested in shipping the most complete restinio package possible.

Before I upload anything, can we clear-up where the repository should live?

I am already unsure of where I should look to review: at Seb's
repository or at Felix's?

Can we move this to https://salsa.debian.org/debian ? It would make it
much easier for DDs, like me,  to step in and help if they want to make

I have created a repository here:
-  https://salsa.debian.org/debian/restinio

 - Gave felix dev permissions on the repository
 - I have uploaded Seb's work.
 - Set the VCS-* fields to point to the new repo

The build of the package fails on my end:
 - resolve: Host not found (authoritative)

Are the tests trying to contact a server or something? If that is the
case, we should eithier selectively disable them or fix them.

Or is there something missing from the package that I pushed at
https://salsa.debian.org/debian/restinio ? Should I have looked elsewhere?

Also, I notice that the package's Changelog already has two entries, but
was it even uploaded once? Should it say UNRELEASED instead, until it is
uploaded, or should I understand that it was uploaded?

Action item before we can upload:
 - Agree where the package will be maintained (hopefully thats over -
 - If we run the tests, they should pass (or was it my machine?)

Thank you all for your work :)))))


Alexandre Viau

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