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Bug#959834: Fwd: RFP: diffutils-java -- Implementation of general operations with diff files

On 06/05/2020 23:01, Yun Peng wrote:
>> It seemed there was some ambiguity on licensing from the links Andrej
>> posted. Do you know who (if anyone) is responsible for diffutils at
>> Google now? If Google holds copyright then it should be possible to get
>> clarification on that license.

> Although the code is hosted on Google Code Archive, I don't think Google
> owns this code because it's in our internal third_party directory. Also
> from the commit history
> <https://code.google.com/archive/p/java-diff-utils/source/default/commits>,
> I don't think any of the authors is Googler.
> This project looks like it is no longer under development, but on the
> Google Code Archive page
> <https://code.google.com/archive/p/java-diff-utils/>, it states very
> clearly the license is Apache License 2.0.
If you read the original thread I linked, you’ll see the code is derived
from a different project and it was originally mixed ASL 1.1 and
LGPL-2.1 and was at some point relicensed by the j-d-u authors, which
they were not legally allowed to do.

This makes the code not acceptable in Debian.

I’m also very much against of packaging an obsolete and buggy old
version of the code when we already have the new one in Debian.


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