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Bug#941627: ITP: grub-btrfs -- provides grub entries for btrfs snapshots (boot environments/restore points)

Control: owner -1 !
(updating my email address)

Hi Fabio,

Fabio Fantoni <fantonifabio@tiscali.it> writes:

> Hi, is there any news about this?
> thanks for any reply

Yes there is some news: We now have installation to a subvolume support,
so the first major blocker is gone :-) While investigating how to add
subvolume support to the Debian Installer Rescue Mode, I started
wondering if os-prober might be the right place to add support for the
detection of bootable subvolumes; bootable subvolumes are the minimum
requirement for "boot environments".  In particular, if other
(potentially non-Debian) OSs need subvolume support in os-prober, then I
will need to take care to not cause duplicates, shadowed entries and/or
various other grub menu bugs by introducing grub-btrfs.  There are also
existing users who install multiple OSs to the same volume, using
different subvolume naming schemes; yes, this may be admittedly a
minority case, but I'd also like to avoid creating problems for these
users with an insufficiently researched solution.

Then there's the question of how grub-btrfs will interact with Snapper
and btrbk.  I guess I could upload something to experimental for users
who want a "YOLO!" experience, but I'd prefer to complete my cautious
investigation first.  What would you prefer?  Of course I won't say no
to a volunteer early-adopter, who wants to give it a try before it's
ready ;-)

Oh, one more thing, I'd like to put together a btrfs enablement
team--probably in mid-September.  If you'd like I can CC the
announcement email to you.

At any rate, please ping me in mid-September if you haven't seen further


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