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Bug#986152: Offer of help

I noticed while testing that you removed the '--no-start' argument to
dh_installinit calls in the unified package, and that's not right, as
README.Debian documents.

The situation is even a bit more complex:

 * shorewall.postinst and shorewall6.postinst source the config file in
   /etc/default and just exit if 'startup' is not 1. So the postinst bits
   added by debhelper don't get executed at all, even though they exist.
 * shorewall-init.postinst is fully generated by debhelper and does not
   have this logic, so it enables and starts the shorewall-init service
   which by default refuses to start ("ERROR: No products configured"),
   leaving a failed systemd service behind.

I think we should call dh_installinit with '--no-enable --no-start'.

Also, the systemd services don't honor the 'startup' variable in
/etc/default/shorewall{,6} at all, so it feels wrong for the postinst
scripts to act differently based on it.

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