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Bug#1013298: maybe retire?

I'm actually wondering if it's worth working on flycheck at all at the

reading this post:


I found this:

> So why switch away from Flymake? Well, before the advent of Emacs 27
> and the renewed interest in Flymake, I’d argue because Flymake had
> atrophied for a long time. Nowadays the distinction is less clear. If
> running M-x flymake-mode works as you expect – this is doubly true if
> you’re using a Language Server client like eglot or LSP-mode – then
> you can just stick with Flymake. It works well. But, if you’re using
> an older version of Emacs, or if you want a package with nearly a
> decade’s worth of attention lavished on it, you may want to give
> Flycheck a shot.

We're not "using an older version of Emacs", we're pretty good at
keeping up with upstream releases. So why should we bother with

There's a comparison page that still seem to favor flycheck;


... but it hasn't been updated in 3 years, so I asked upstream for an


I might also try to switch back to plain flymake myself.


There is no power on earth from which we should be prepared to accept
an order to kill.
                       - Albert Einstein

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