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Bug#1058699: ITP: blupimania -- Blupimania - A mind boggling (brain twisting) game of logic

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <odyx@debian.org>
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

 Package name    : blupimania
 Version         : 1.6.2
 Upstream Contact: Mathieu Schroeter <mathieu@schroetersa.ch>
 URL             : https://blupi.org/mania/
 License         : GPLv3
 Programming Lang: C
 Description     : Blupimania - A mind boggling (brain twisting) game of logic

 Blupi comes out of a hole holding on to a balloon. Unfortunately he
 let's it blow away. Blupi is lost, he turns to the left or the right
 and does various unpredictable things of his own. The object of the
 game is to help him find another balloon, so that he can move on to the
 next riddle.

This 1994-1995 game, first released for Smaky's, was ported to DOS in
1996, then the source code was lost. It got found again on a CD-R in
2021, then ported to SDL, which now makes it available natively on
GNU/Linux.  That piece of history can now be made avaiable to Debian!

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