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Final call: D-W t-shirts for Debconf5

Hi people,

> I'm planning to get Debian Women t-shirts printed for Debconf5. I will
> be getting them plotter printed
> (http://motifs.co.uk/plotterprinting.html) by Motifs.co.uk (whom I
> have used before and thorougly recommend). If you would like a D-W
> t-shirt for Debconf5, let me know as soon as possible, and I'll get
> back to you about sizes, colours and prices.

I'd going like to put in the order ASAP. This is your last chance to
order a D-W t-shirt for Debconf5. Let me know if you would like one!


hanna m. wallach
blog: http://join-the-dots.org/
work: http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/hmw26/

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