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Re: Acronym on About page of main site

* Clytie Siddall <clytie@riverland.net.au> [2005:06:18 16:23 +0930]: 
> Sorry for my ignorance: while translating the About page on the main  
> D-W site, I've run into the acronym BOF:

BOF == Birds of a Feather

It's basically a somewhat informal meeting where people gather to talk
about a subject that interests them. Less formal than an official talk,
not a workshop in general, but sometimes there are slides and such; it
depends. Sometimes they're planned ahead of time, sometimes they are
impromptu, but they're supposed to be more informal and less
audience-oriented. Unfortunately the phrase itself doesn't translate
very well into other languages -- it doesn't even really make sense to
anyone except for a lot of native speakers (and often enough, not even
them) without some explanation. I hope I've given you enough context

off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide

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