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Re: Trying to get conclusions from Debian Women Statistics

Excerpts from Margarita Manterola's message of Don Aug 26 14:34:13 +0200 2010:
> > I also wonder about the same graph for all
> > the contributors to the project, whether the increase rates and the
> > conversion between first uploads and the number of DDs, DMs (or NMs)
> > are comparable. Would it be possible to try to get some indicators
> > from the statistics in the way I'm mentioning? It might provide clues
> > about the most effective measures to take.
> This one is more tricky, because even if the first upload info is
> there, the creation of DD account is not listed in the main page, it
> has to be fetched person by person.  It could probably be scripted
> somehow, but I don't really feel like doing it.  If anyone wants to do
> it, go ahead.
> For the record, I don't think it would be much different.  It probably
> is very very similar, only that in the case of DW the numbers are more
> easily manageable.

In my experience the easiest way to find out when a certain person
became a DD is to look at the debian-keyring changelog. I have written
a script which parses this information for my research. It's online at 
http://gaudenz.durcheinandertal.ch/thesis/. It's in the scripts
tarball on this site. The script you are looking for is

The script is probably not directly useable because it feeds the data
into an SQL database, but might serve as a starting point and you
could reuse the changelog parser.


Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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