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Re: Spam cleaning effort: November/December 2012

Thank you, Laura!
Your instructions were more than clear.
Then I guess I'm done now. :)

Thank you, Christian, for the reply as well.

To long winter evenings ;)

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Laura Arjona <larjona99@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Marianne:
Happy new year, and welcome!
You need to create an account in the Debian wiki (wiki.debian.org).
Then, after reporting the spam (you already did that part), login with
your account and edit the page

adding your name besides the other spam cleaners of the month that you
reviewed, and increasing the number of spam reporters.
So for November 2012, now it looks like

2012/11  5  bubulle robynh brother larjona monica

and after your edition it should look like

2012/11  6  bubulle robynh brother larjona monica your_name_or_nick

Save that edition and then, you're done!! (DDs will remove the spam
reported by at least 5 reviewers).

Best regards
Laura Arjona

"Marianne C." <mariyanna.c@gmail.com> escribió:

>Dear Christian,
>I have been on the DW mailing list for a while but this is my first
>contribution to the spam cleaning effort.
>I read the wiki and it seemed doable. ;)
>I simply clicked "Report as spam" on the upper right corner of the one
>message from November 2012.
>Is that all?...
>Review by DD will follow and that's it--?
>Happy New Year to all Debian Women and Debian people!! :)
>On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 3:47 AM, Christian PERRIER
>> Dear D-W readers,
>> As we're now in 2013 (for most of us, at least), it should be time to
>> review the list archives for december 2012.
>> And while at it, please also review November as I apparently forgot
>> send this reminder in the list on December 1st. And, well, these is
>> one spam post in November and none in December (unless you consider
>> the only post, by Gregor Herrman, to be spam, doh).
>> More details on http://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/ListSpamCleaning

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