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Re: Quote signs in debian css - solution for all languages in sight

El Sábado, 8 de Octubre de 2005 02:29, Jutta Wrage escribió:
> Am 07.10.2005 um 23:58 schrieb Jutta Wrage:
> > Nested quotes will be supported and quotes follow the language of
> > the page.
> Here we are. Hope I got everything right: http://
> www.witch.westfalen.de/csstest/quotes/

	Hello, jutta. I think that you did not read my mail on this subject 
(http://lists.debian.org/debian-www/2005/10/msg00070.html). Please use the 
characters that I sent in that mail. The sentence should read:

This is a «single Quote». This is an «outer Quote containing an "inner 

(strangely, I cannot copy the full sentence with Firefox 1.0.7, only 
non-extended characters).

	Best regards,

Interesante no, Carmiña. Estresante.
		-- Pazos (Airbag).
Debian developer

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