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Re: playing a bit with CSS

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 5:11 PM, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:

> Well, i think the idea is to get rid of exactly this link list, as soon
> as we have everything moved into the top menu. One problem i see is that
> the top menu might become a bit too crowed, so we might want to think
> about consolidating menu items.

Seems reasonable, I do wonder about people with text based browsers or
screen-readers, they might need a way to skip the (now larger) list of
links at the top of the page.

> Paul, this was only a PoC. At least I have not yet thought about any
> integration other debian web pages. Yes, we should think about it, but
> really on this early stage? In my opinion we should work out other
> changes we want to see.

Ok, fair enough.

> He some of my upcoming ideas for the start page:
> * Make the page less 'static'. What do i mean with that? I would like to
>   see more content changes on the start page, to make it more
>   attractive to visit it. We could for exaple have some sort of
>   'featured article', where you could read the first two or three
>   paragraphs. Other idea is also to include upcoming events into the
>   start page.

By 'featured article', do you mean an article from /News/ or a random page?

Adding future events and the last event that finished on the main page
would definitely be good.

> * I like the idea of the grid system of the Twitter bootstrap layout[1].
>   Maybe we could use some sort of that to group our content together on
>   the start page. If you look at other OSS websites like [2] or [3],
>   it works perfectly there, even without using bootstrap CSS.
> [1] http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/scaffolding.html#gridSystem

That sounds interesting, especially that it auto-adjusts to screen size.

> [2] http://fedoraproject.org/
> [3] http://www.postgresql.org/

Neither of these auto-adjust to browser window size though, at least
not in Iceweasel.



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