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Re: Making Debian users more visible

2014-07-20 4:30 GMT+02:00 David Prévot <taffit@debian.org>:
> tail -n11 /srv/www.debian.org/cron/urlcheck/logs/web.20140719.users
> Looking into http://www.debian.org/users/edu/ciid-politicas-unam
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./urlcheck.py", line 259, in <module>
>     do_page(url)
>   File "./urlcheck.py", line 43, in do_page
>     check_url(url)
>   File "./urlcheck.py", line 88, in check_url
>     msg = check_http(url, parts)
>   File "./urlcheck.py", line 158, in check_http
>     msg = " : IOError: " + arg.args[0]
> TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
> I’m lost in Python, so not much I can actually do here, but if someone
> is interested into fixing that

You can do a quick fix by modifying the line 158 of file urlcheck.py":
-     msg = " : IOError: " + arg.args[0]
+     msg = " : IOError: " + str(arg.args[0])

However, this error occurs probably because another error was occured
before. So after applying the patch, the first error could appear in a
normal way.
As I don't have the code, I don't know which behaviour is planned.

> (or provide an alternative as discussed
> almost two years ago [1]), please, go for it.
>  1: <CAOy+up7o7tX2VM7j=JR25dkALwuyfHHSoTDf+jcLbqKrH19uLw@mail.gmail.com>

There are currenlty alternatives packaged in Debian.
If I remember well, someone (Holger perhaps?) planned to modify an
upstream code to fit better with the needs of the team. I don't know
if it's used today.

If not, linkchecker could be used with a cron easily.

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