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Who's using Debian?

1. IAESTE Czech Republic, member of IAESTE a.s.b.l., Czech Republic

2. Non-profit international educational organization

3. http://www.iaeste.cz

4. We use Debian on 9 production servers and around 15 development/integration servers. IT department of IAESTE Czech Republic is responsible for maintenance and development of organization-specific intranet solutions, e-mail and file-sharing services. There are cca 150 active intranet accounts used by volunteers and employees of IAESTE CR. We also host around 40 public websites/microsites dedicated to various projects of IAESTE CR and associate organizations. Debian was chosen for universality, ease of maintenance, stability and good community support.

Thank you for including in the list.

Jan Hadáček
National IT Manager
IAESTE Czech Republic
Zikova 4, 166 36 Praha 6

www.iaeste.cz | projekty.iaeste.cz

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