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Re: Culling obsolete pages on wiki.debian.org

19 Aug 2022, 15:58 by autopr3z@protonmail.com:

> Hi Borden,
> I think that updating or removing obsolete information is a great idea, I've noticed the same issue of badly outdated info on the wiki.
> Personally, I don't believe you'll step on too many toes by updating information, but deleting is another matter. Maybe prominently flagging information as outdated is a good start? But I personally agree that just deleting it is the better move. The wiki is not the place for preserving old info for historical reasons.
This is partly why I want to throw this back to debian-doc and discuss a documentation strategy. I foresee someone protesting that  someone at NORAD running a 486 (https://www.cnn.com/2016/05/26/us/pentagon-floppy-disks-nuclear/index.html)  needs ancient documentation  because they can't upgrade to bullseye.

This is where I see a differentiation for roles between local documentation (manpages, readmes, dead tree books, etc.) and online documentation (wikis, handbooks, mailing lists, etc.). Having used Debian since 2004, I'm still never sure  where to go for an answer because not all documentation sources are (a) complete; (b) up-to-date; or (c) understandable. But if I take this up with debian-doc, I want to make sure that they don't try to send me back here.

With respect to deleting, I'm happy to start marking articles and sections of articles obsolete using whatever wiki flag wiki.debian.org uses (if it's different from  Wikipedia). However, I just want some comfort that some automated script is going to cull  if package experts don't update them and it won't still show as obsolete in 2032.

There's the other matter of what to do with pages like https://wiki.debian.org/DebianFirewall , https://wiki.debian.org/Firewalls , https://wiki.debian.org/FirewallRules that kinda-sorta talk about different things but could also be merged into a single primer for newcomers. Is there a 'merge' tag analogous to Wikipedia?

> Thank you in advance for any work you do! One thing, you will need your email whitelisted by someone on this list (I don't know who has that authority, but I've seen quick turnarounds on requests) before you can make an account.
I'd be grateful for compliance instructions to make life easier for everybody.

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