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Re: Any strange mouse effects with XFree86-3.3.5

On Mon, Nov 22, 1999 at 06:04:02PM +0100, steigies@gmx.de wrote:
> Where do i get /dev/gpmdata from? I do not have it and my MAKDEV does not
> know about it.

man gpm

> I finally removed also gpm, now it does not crash anymore, but I also dont
> have a mouse on the console anymore. Under X everything is fine, except that
> the wheel is not suppored by netscape and many other programs anymore.
> So it seems the problem is caused by gpm, how to configure it correctly,
> where to get /dev/gpmdata from, do I need to try MAKEDEV from potato? I dont
> want to upgrade the machine to potato yet, I need a stable system, but maybe
> potato is better than what I have with a only few packagages from potato.

man gpm

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Debian GNU/Linux                 |    stupidity.
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