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Bug#184395: xterm do not obey all command line flags

Package: xterm
Version: 4.2.1-3

I have defined background color and foreground color of xterm in my

xterm*vt100.background:         black
xterm*vt100.foreground:         orange

After that I can not override them with command line flags. For example
if I give this command, I still have orange text on black:

xterm -ls -fg 'gray84' -bg '#00003c' -cr 'green' \
-fn '-jmk-neep alt-medium-r-normal-*-24-240-*-*-c-*-iso8859-15' &

Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen * U of Jyväskylä * juhtolv@cc.jyu.fi
http://www.cc.jyu.fi/~juhtolv/ * * * "STRAIGHT BUT NOT NARROW!"
"Joka tahtoo rakkautta mieli täynnä pelkkää vihaa,
herää ludelavitsalta, nyrkki kauhoo kylmää lihaa."          CMX

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