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Bug#277309: xserver-xfree86: [nv] My X (and whole system) freeze/hangs, when scrolling program-menus or aterm etc.

On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 10:10:49PM +0200, Per Blomqvist wrote:
> >I'm sorry to tell you this, but that delta (4.1.0-16woody4 to
> >4.3.0.dfsg.1-8) is so huge as to be useless for determining what precisely
> >may have caused the regression.
> >
> >I'd like to request a couple more pieces of information:
> >
> >1) Does turning XAA acceleration off prevent the problem from recurring?
> >   (Search for "NoAccel" in the XF86Config-4(5x) manual page.)
> NoAccel is in the "nv" manual, I use the default installed config file, 
> with no options on that device. Are there any other bugreport that 
> suspect exclusion of this option cause problem?
> (is it an option or not?)

I don't understand your question.  The nv(4x) manual page does document the
NoAccel option, as does the XF86Config-4(5x) manual page.

I am asking for this information because it will help obtain an answer to
my question: "Does turning XAA acceleration off prevent the problem from
recurring?".  If you add the specified option to the "Device" section of
your XF86Config-4 file, XAA acceleration will be turned off.

> >2) Can you try various earlier versions in the 4.3.0.dfsg.1 release series
> >   to see if any of them rectify the problem?  You can find these at
> >   snapshot.debian.net.  Please start with the most recent prior to yours
> >   (-7) and work your way backwards.
> I often update my system, so..
> 	the problem is in the latest version (4.3.0.dfsg.1-8).
> A little more description of the problem:
> If X didn't froze at first apps, it did froze within an hour, a stress
> test with an open aterm and just scroll dselect could cause it, also to
> froze.
> The problem have not reapeard since:
> I copied "one single" file "nv_drv.o" from the woody-relise 
> (xserver-xfree86_4.1.0-16woody4_i386.deb), too the same path as the 
> latest debian-sarge xserver-xfree86-4.3.0.dfsg.1-8 (that I still have 
> installed).
> I didn't know about http://snapshot.debian.net though, I used
> http://packages.debian.org..

Okay.  But as I said:
> >I'm sorry to tell you this, but that delta (4.1.0-16woody4 to
> >4.3.0.dfsg.1-8) is so huge as to be useless for determining what precisely
> >may have caused the regression.

Even narrowing it down to just the one file (nv_drv.o), the nv driver
itself has greatly changed in the interim from 4.1.0-16woody4 to

If you could use versions of the xserver-xfree86 package from
snapshot.debian.net to identify where the regression specifically took
place, it would help us to track down this bug.

Otherwise, we might not be able to resolve it.

G. Branden Robinson                |    The best place to hide something is
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    in documentation.
branden@debian.org                 |    -- Ethan Benson
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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