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Bug#236252: Policy clarification

10.7. Configuration files

10.7.1. Definitions

     configuration file
          A file that affects the operation of a program, or provides site-
          or host-specific information, or otherwise customizes the
          behavior of a program.  Typically, configuration files are
          intended to be modified by the system administrator (if needed or
          desired) to conform to local policy or to provide more useful
          site-specific behavior.

	Something that causes X to interpret my key strokes, and
 insert characters, is definitely a configuration file.

	Why else would X authors create a file where key bindings are
 defined, if it was not meant to be modified by the local admin or
 users? They could easily have hardcoded it in code were it not meant
 to be modifiable at run time.

	Frankly, I fail to see how you can call a  run time changeable
 key bindings anything but a configuration file.

	And policy is pretty clear on what is or is not a
 configuration file as well.

	So, this is serious, but you may also set it to be
 sarge-ignore, as is your prerogative.

> Tut mir Leid, Jost, aber Du bist ein unertraeglicher Troll. Was soll
> das? Du *beleidigst* die Trolle! -- de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc
Manoj Srivastava     <srivasta@acm.org>    <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

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