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Bug#621815: metacity and openbox both running


Tapio Lehtonen <tapio.lehtonen@dnainternet.net> (13/04/2011):
> So both metacity and openbox are running. I suspect this is the root
> cause for excessive CPU usage.

interesting. You should just have a single window manager; so here's a
wild guess: openbox fails to notice there's one running already, and
loops over and over again, trying to access some resource. And that
busy loop eats up all your CPU. You could try attaching it with
strace, and see what it tries to do:
  strace -p $(pidof openbox)

That could lead to false alarms though; since even a window manager
which started fine will wait for incoming events as well. In any case,
one of your WM should notice there's another one running, and bail
out. So I'd recommend reassigning this bug there.


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