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Bug#721796: xserver-xorg-video-radeon: X not starting anymore after upgrade

El Dimecres, 4 de setembre de 2013, a les 22:41:56, Julien Cristau va 
> On Wed, Sep  4, 2013 at 22:32:12 +0200, Eloi Notario wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > I have no fglrx packages installed, however I purged them to try to get
> > rid of possible leftovers. That didn't work.
> Did you reboot after purging the fglrx stuff?

Yes. In fact, I did reboot after a manual "modprobe radeon" and found myself 
in the same situation: xorg didn't insert the module on its own, and after 
running again modprobe it started. That's when I put it in /etc/modules.

> Check for any blacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/ maybe.

entfe001@portatil2:~$ grep radeon /etc/modprobe.d/*
/etc/modprobe.d/fbdev-blacklist.conf:blacklist radeonfb
/etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf:options radeon modeset=1

OTOH all but one of the uncommented blacklists come from fbdev-blacklist and 
all its modules end with fb. The other one is at alsa-base-blacklist.conf and 
blocks snd-pcsp.

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