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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#547889: Bug#547889: xfce4: launching panel-settings freezes the whole system!!!

severity 547889 normal
tag 547889 -security
reassign 547889 xfce4-panel
On mar, 2009-09-22 at 14:54 +0200, Per Blomqvist wrote:
> Hi.

> I left-click on the panel, to choose "panel-settings". AND THE WHOLE SYSTEM FREEZE. Only the mouse responds, everything else dies.

Where exactly are you able to left click and have a ?panel-settings?
stuff? The only thing related would be to right click on the panel and
then click on ?Customize Panel?. Is that what you mean?

Could you be a little more specific about ?everything else dies??
> AND then when I reset  the computer (f2ck *****), and wanna see what whent wrong, the THING autostarts by it self (FREEZES THE WHOLE SYSTEM AGAIN).

What autostarts? The panel or the panel-settings? You can clean your
session from outside of Xfce by removing .cache/session (make a backup
if you want) to restart. 

That's the first time anyone reports of such a thing so needless to say
it doesn't seem reproducible here. Could you be a little more specific
about your config, how you install etc.

If you could try, before using that ?panel-settings? stuff we don't know
about, to shut-down the xfce4-panel (using xfce4-panel -x from a
terminal) and re-run it from a terminal, and report if there's something
displayed when ?the whole system freezes?.

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