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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Debian testing installs with XDM as dependency of Xfce fail (eventually) when switched to LightDM

I just wanted to get back to you (Yves-Alexis Perez) to let you know the 
status of this issue. Although I sent you some of the information you 
requested I realize that it was inadequate, considering that the lightdm 
logs from sessions previous to login failures were not available.

There have been recent updates to various packages in Debian testing 
which were supposed to reduce various issues being experienced by AMD64 
installations. I saw a remarkable improvement over the past few days in 
the behavior of Mozilla applications, and my problems with LightDM 
leaving the user profile unable to log in simply went away.

>> The Init ID "co" respawning too fast errors continue to be seen when
>> ending a session, and the list of them at shutdown / reboot time gets
>> longer and longer as the session length since the last logout / reboot
>> gets longer, but I guess I'm not seeing any serious repercussions from it.
> That's weird. It'd help to have a complete log (I think they might show
> in /var/log/syslog or dmesg).

It appears that this line --

co:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty hvc0 9600 linux

-- in /etc/inittab of the AMD64 system was causing those errors. 
Apparently the line is placed there during installation on a 
hypervisor-capable system. Once I commented that line out, the 
respawning errors ceased completely.

I think its obvious that those errors weren't directly related to the 
cause of the user profiles losing the ability to log on under LightDM. I 
have no idea whether or not they could have contributed to the problem.

Many thanks for your consideration. When I make future attempts to 
communicate about issues I'll try to be better organized.


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