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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#475072: Bug#475072: Bug#475072: squeeze: crashes whileopening an archived file.

16 ?????? 2011, 00:11 ?? Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac at debian.org>:
> On mar., 2011-11-15 at 22:26 +0400, Ibragimov Rinat wrote:
> > Sure.
> > One more thing. I just tried it on debian stable and found that there
> > is difference
> > in dbus interface: stable expect two strings but testing - three.
> > So patches should be slightly different. I attached both. 
> That looks wrong, stable and testing/unstable have the same upstream
> version. testing/unstable only carries a patch which is completely
> unrelated.

They have the same squeeze, but Thunar version differs.
Squeeze sends message via dbus to org.xfce.FileManager, which
exported/listened by Thunar. And its Launch method have
different number of parameters in stable and testing.

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