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Bug#1016716: regression in Xfce

Let's tackle this mess bit by bit because I feel like there's at least
a dozen problems mixed and minced together.

> Distro: MX-21.1_x64 Wildflower

You submitted this bug report to the Debian BTS (bug tracking system)
while running MX Linux. Even though it claims to be using the Debian
archive (thus, Debian-based), it may come with completely different
configs on top of the base system. They have their own bug tracker:

> I had installed zoom and it was working fine then in June I found out when I go to share screen I lose audio and sometimes got message driver not available.

Zoom is not available in the Debian archive (and will never be since
it's a proprietary software). You should contact their support:

> I followed the direction on Linux mint website to localize problem.

What direction? Which website? Again, Linux Mint is a completely
different distribution with its own community.

> I was able to repeat problem on different machine.

What machine? Windows? Mac? Vague.

> When changed desktop problem went away.

>From what to what? Where did the problem go?

> I tried Budgie, Mate and a friend tried Cinnamon they all work.

None of these names start with 'X', end in 'e' and have 'fc' in the
middle. What constitutes work here?

> I think it was a security update.

Security updates seldom introduce new features or touch the existing
ones. Even if one did so, we still have point 2: Zoom is not available
in the Debian repos.

> It also showed up in the MX usb witer if opened from file manager it loses the iso you want to write.

What is it that also showed up? MX usb witer or whatever that is
doesn't exist in Debian. Which file manager?

> These both showed up at the the same time.

Who or what are both? Where did they show up?

> This one is a small problem that is nothing more than annoyance but it might point to the cause of the bigger problem.

Sounds ominous. I wouldn't call it small, though.

> the technical details are below

Mostly irrelevant.

Here's your prize for reaching this far: https://forum.mxlinux.org/

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