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Re: Context menus

On Wed, 5 Nov 1997, Behan Webster wrote:

> Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> > 
> > Behan,
> > 
> > I haven't noticed any right click menus in your design, so I thought I'd
> > ask about them. I think it would be most helpfull to have some form of
> > context sensitive menu for the tree display. Also, some of the items I
> > wanted to have in the context menu are not yet (but I think ought to be)
> > put into the main menus someplace..
> > 
> >      Mark for Removal
> >      Mark for Purging
> >      Mark for Hold
> >    * Mark for Installation
> >    ----------
> >      Hamm (3.14)
> >    * Bo (2.2)
> >      Default
> > 
> > The latter 3 are part of the 'targeted installs' we were talking about.  I
> > am thinking you can make the package sticky to a dist (highest version in
> > that dist and only that dist will be offered for install). 'Default' would
> > be some kind of configurable algorithm..
> Yes.  This is the kind of thing I was going to add eventually.  If you
> need to plan for it now, then by all means!  Since they probably won't
> appear in the slang versions, I had put of somethings like this. (As you
> know I'm designing with both the X11 and slang versions).  I should add
> them now though.

I see no reason why the slang versions can't have a context menu as well.
It's actually more work to remove it :P
> btw, just to remind you, in this new interface, there is no distinction
> between remove and purge (I've always found that distinction
> confusing).  They are both the same in deity.  All that happens is that
> on a remove/purge, the confiles are stored in /var/backup/dpkg/<package>
> and if the package is ever reinstalled, the old conf files can be
> recovered from there.

Okay, I didn't know that ;> 
> Again, the concept of "hold" is unessesary.  By not upgrading to the
> next version of a package there is an implicit hold placed on the
> package by the user.

Hm, I was thinking 'hold' has a single use -- to prevent a pacakge from
being automatically installed.
> We don't need to keep poorly designed features of dselect if there are
> better alternatives!

> > Now, where should the latter 3 itmes go in the main menus (if at all).
> > Also, what about purge?
> There should be a "choose version" entry in the menus somewhere, but not
> a bo/hamm entry.  We can put this kind of thing in a context sensitive
> pop-up menu, but not in the main menu!

Well my thought would be that ppl would not really care what the specific
version is. Perhaps that's wrong, perhaps both are needed. The trouble is
if the user specifies a specific version it vastly complicates things
because forevermore that package is attached to that version - period.

Now that might be changable, but it would require some detailed thought.
What we need is a spec of exactly how deity decides what package to offer
for installation (= the package it's going to install)

> > I am uncertain how the 4 states and the install version should all work
> > together, could you clarify that? (Unfortunately your spec doesn't have
> > this target version idea yet :<)
> It does, actually.  They have merely been condensed and called "delete",
> "keep" and "install".  (Check the left hand column of the select screen.

The UI prototype has had my interpritation of your web page for a while
now, so we should check that it is okay..
> Drat!  We've been having computer problems here recently (all 9 of our
> new computers are spontaneously rebooting, and all my work is suffering

Ewwwwwwww, I hate those sorts of problems :< Too many likely causes,
overheating or bad power supplies have both caused them for me..

> > FYI, the internal storage of each package has these kinds of fields
> >    TargetVersion
> >    TargetDist
> >    Status (held, ok, etc)
> > I don't know if TargetVersion has any use?
> I'm sorry.  I'm not sure if understand what these field names mean (I
> can guess, but would prefer to hear your definitions).  Thanks!

Your guess is prolly fairly good. TargetVersion and Target dist directly
control the package that will be offered for installation. If
TargetVersion is 1.0 then only version 1.0 will be offered for
installation no matter what other versions are avaible if TargetDist is
'unstable' then the newest version from 'unstable' will be offerened for
installation irregardless of what bo/etc is set to. I think this might
even include a downgrade..

The implementation of the above is supposted to support your UI ideas, I
hope it does!
I've somehow managed to con Scott Ellis into building daily .debs of Deity
for at least the next short while. I don't always get changes in ever day
however. He says the next snapshot should be done compiling in about
10mins (as I write this)

They can be downloaded from http://aroostook.gate.net/pub/debian
Hopefully that will simplify things for all of you. Look at it, complain
so I can fix it!


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