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Re: premature aborts?

On 7 Apr 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
> 	Is there a way to build in a trifle more tolerance for the
>  upgrade process? In the session detailed below, a package failed the
>  md5sum, and the whole upgrade stopped dead.

Well yes, but this is -REALLY- bad the archives should not be so
horrificly desynced this often - and this badly :< A md5 failure is
something I thought would be very rare. A partially desynced mirror would
have files of the wrong size perhaps, but not files with the wrong

> 	I think that if there a way to put a package on hold
>  temporarily and recalculate the ordering, one can handle fasiled
>  downloads and all.

Yes, that is what I am thinking, but it's a bit more convoluted because
you have to recalculate where you are going (I think I already have a
routine that can do this though)

Hm, it might be really simple then.. <ponder>

> 	Also, does apt check secondary archives (I do not have any, at
>  the moment, but I shall rectify that)?

No, it checks only the first archived mentioned to have the file. Is
there a reason to support secondary archives?


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