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Re: logging

On 28 Apr 1998, Ben Gertzfield wrote:

> >>>>> "Jason" == Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> writes:
>     Ben> Hm, this sounds okay. And some sort of cron-job that
>     Ben> compresses up logs that are older than a week, deletes logs
>     Ben> that are older than ~3 months or something.
>     Jason> Hm, could you whip up some perl-magic that can do that?
> Sure, but let's agree on an exact standard first.
> 1) How long should logs be kept uncompressed? I'd guess 1 week.
> 2) Should logs be deleted? This is a question because apt will not
>    be generating regular daily output.
> 3) If 2), then after how long should logs be deleted? 3 months?

I would make all three an option in a conf file. I desperately want a
configuration mechanism but have none.

Anybody: Are there any free configuration libraries or am I going to have
to cook my own up (again :<)?
Ben, how about till we have configuration just delete after 3 months,
compress after 1 week.

I think such a script belongs in the debian/ directory or the utils/


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