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Re: 'usual' problem with diff paths in Packages vs. hdd layout

On 1 Jun 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> 	What happens is this; and this should work for *any* archive:
>  apt gets the URI for the top level; and asks for what distributions
>  on wants. It collects the Packages file from dists/<blah>/binary-<arch>/
>  areas, and the packages files have directions, relative to the top,
>  where the packages are to be found. 
> 	I am looking at the available file. It says:
> Filename: dists/frozen/main/binary-i386/games/gnushogi_1.2p03-6.deb
> Filename: dists/frozen/main/binary-i386/graphics/libhdf4g-dev_4.0.2-6.deb

I think -everyone- would be much happier if the filename feild did not
have the dists/frozen/main/binary-i386 attached to each and every entry.
It would be possible to make apt happy with a short form of the above, 
but the archive will never change so there isn't any point in doing so :>

grin, you best bet is to run sed over the package files after they are

In future I might make apt try a different routine to locate the .deb,
that would make things simpler for some mirror instances.


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