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Re: Gnome-apt hmm

Previously Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> Anyhow, I think I'll just let Wichert go over it with you and then make
> some comments later on when it is more to both of your likings.

I played with it a bit and here is a first list of comments. Some things
are just nitpicks, but they are all things that should be looked at.

> Waiting for someone to notice it uses 4 meg of libraries

More troublesome is that I needed the install a whole bunch of new GNOME
stuff and that broke a lot of others GNOME apps.. I couldn't even login
anymore since the panel is broken now :(.

Anyway, here we go:

* The about-box is horribly out of date

* (import|export) packagelist don't work yet. They should be wrappers
  for dpkg --[gs]et-selections

* It might be more intuitive to make the details-pane dockable instead of
  having it both as a seperate window and in the main window

* You shouldn't need to be root to start gnome-apt and look at the packages

* You `Column Order' page in the Global Preferences is horribly non-intuitive.
  I suggest a listbox with the columns and it where the user can select
  a column and move it up and down either by dragging it or using up & down
  buttons. Something like this:

  |  +----------------------------------+             |
  |  | Packagename                      |             |
  |  | Section                          |  [   UP  ]  |
  |  | Installed version                |             |
  |  |>Install                      <   |             |
  |  | Delete                           |  [ DOWN  ]  |
  |  | ....                             |             |
  |  |                                  |             |
  |  +----------------------------------+             |
  | [ OK  ]     [ APPLY ]     [ CLOSE ]    [ HELP ]   |

* There should be a minimum amount of whitespace between column in the
  packagelist to keep it more readable

* You need to clip column in the packagelist: right now they can overlap
  (simple way to reproduce this: mark libc6 for deletion and the new
  text in the status-column will be replaced with a longer string that
  overlaps the next couple of columns)

* You should only have to click once in the expand/collapse boxes

* The rectangles in the D/K/I columns are not very intuitive. I'm not sure
  that radio-buttons are the best solution either though.

* It would be nicer to expand the first level of the package tree on startup;
  right now the list of letters & numbers is confusing.

* It would be nice if you could mark the row that starts a group (for example
  by giving it a grey background).

* The text-widget used for the description is crap, but you already seem to
  know that :)

* If I move the focus to a package that is related to anothe package (for
  example select perl after expanding cfengine) it would be nice if the
  details-pane gave the name of the relation; the icons are nice but if
  you don't know what they mean you are lost

* Clicking on a column header should change the sort order. Clicking on the
  header when the column is already the primary searchkey should invert the
  search-order for that key

* If I right-click on the columnheader I still get the option to install/keep/
  etc. something. This might be an effect of not changeing the selected
  package on a right click; I think that is more intuitive.

* I'ld place the most important columns first in the packagelist, and I don't
  think the D/K/I columns are. I'ld place packagename and section as the
  first columns.

* The Auto-flag isn't implemented yet

* The sources dialog needs work

* For a program of this quality it might be nice to give it a nice
  splashscreen, featuring the new Debian-logo once we have chosen that.


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