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Bug#128818: [patch] packages.gz diff support for apt

On Thu, Nov 18, 2004 at 08:39:37PM +0100, Michael Vogt wrote:
> Hi,
> attached is the first version of a patch that will enable diff files
> for the index files (Packages.gz, Sources.gz). 

FYI, I put a up-to-date version of the patch online at:

(against the arch archive at

It contains some fixes for the previous patch.

> Patches for the package file are generated like this:
> "diff Packages-23-08-2004 Packages-24-08-2004 | gzip -c >      \
>  Packages_diff_`md5sum Packages-23-08-2004|awk '{print $1}'`.gz"

Please note that a empty diff file:
gzip -c > Packages_diff_`md5sum Packages|awk '{print $1}'`.gz" < /dev/null
marks the last patch.


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