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Pam Problem

This may be the wrong place to post this, but it seems to be a problem with APT (or at least the way I am using it) as well as a problem with PAM. If there is a better list, please let me know (I have never posted to these lists before).

I did a standard apt-get update / apt-get upgrade the other night (Sept 29th) and Pam was upgraded. After that, a bunch of stuff stopped working (I guess some configuration files changed in PAM). No longer could I ssh to my machine, my console login has issues and cron won't run. I was able to fix ssh by completely removing it (--purge) and then reinstalling it. However, this doesn't really work for login or cron (and there may be other things broken too). I tried to uninstall cron, but I guess it is kinda important :)

I tried to do a --re-install, but this didn't update any configuration files. Any ideas?


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