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Bug#474947: the state of Bug#474947

retitle 474947 "fix Dynamic MMaps error"
severity 474947 important
tag 474947 -unreproducible

hi bug, hi people, hi d-release

I did some study on bug 474947, that is grave/RC, and is posted against APT.

Since I was told that the APT team is understaffed, I decided to take
action myself.


First of all, I tried to focus the problem.

In this same bug there were reported two different issues, a "Dynamic
MMap error"  and a segmentation fault; moreover some people were using
APT in Etch, and some other in Lenny.

Let's summarize it shortly.

First poster is Elliot Mitchel, in Apr 08; he is using APT 0.6.46 inside
Etch. He claims that he cannot work around a "Dynamic MMap" error; he
then sets severity to grave.
 It turns out that he is using the wrong option, he is using '-o
APT::Cache-File=200000000' instead of '-o APT::Cache-Limit=200000000' .
(And that confuses "Joe Nahmias" and me as well - the mistake is noted
by JackYF quite later). So the first report is flawed.

jasen reports a similar problem, but I don't see enough details to comment.

Then Elliott Mitchell again also posts a report about a segmentation fault.

Some months go by; in Sept. JackYF offers to help fixing the problem by
changing the code.
(Unfortunately we are already in deep freeze, and I am afraid deep
changes to APT would not be accepted by the release team.)


I did some more research around, and tests, and this is what I found out.

The default in APT (inside the code) for Cache-Limit in Lenny is 20MB ,
in Etch is 8MB .

Note also that in the Lenny release notes
 it is suggested to set Cache-Limit to 12500000 in case of Dynamic MMap

I tested APT 0.6.46 in Etch. I tried with 3 different sources.list, see
attachment. The "fat" list is the union of all lists of all reporters
(minus obsolete and duplicates).

The two smaller files work perfectly well; the "fat" sources file does
trigger the DynamicMMap problem, that I can though work around by using
 'apt-get -o APT::Cache-Limit=100000000 update'

The only way to trigger a segmentation fault was instead to set
Cache-Limit to a ridiculously low value.

So my conclusion is that the forthcoming release notes do address the
problem some people may encounter in upgrading from  Etch to Lenny.

I propose the attached patch, though, since it is funny to suggest a
value of 12500000 (bytes) when the internal value in Lenny is 20MB.
I hope someone in the d-relase team can apply it.


Index: manuals/branches/release-notes/lenny/en/upgrading.dbk
--- manuals/branches/release-notes/lenny/en/upgrading.dbk	(revisione 5426)
+++ manuals/branches/release-notes/lenny/en/upgrading.dbk	(copia locale)
@@ -957,10 +957,11 @@
 to a value that should be sufficient for the upgrade:
-# echo 'APT::Cache-Limit 12500000;' &gt;&gt; /etc/apt/apt.conf
+# echo 'APT::Cache-Limit 21000000;' &gt;&gt; /etc/apt/apt.conf
-This assumes that you do not yet have this variable set in that file.
+This assumes that you do not yet have this variable set in that file;
+otherwise you may manually edit the file to set the above variable.
 Sometimes it's necessary to enable the <literal>APT::Force-LoopBreak</literal>

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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