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Re: Facilitating external repositories


I've been giving this some more thought, and have tried to write a spec, but
then found that...

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 05:03:15PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> https://lists.debian.org/deity/2014/01/msg00055.html

...this (and the discussion following it) actually seems fairly close to
what my spec was going to be.

I would suggest that the deb822 sources.list format be slightly
extended so that:

- Apt will try to download it from a default location in the repository
  (or perhaps a location specified in the deb822 sources.list file
- It may be GPG-signed by one or more keys. Apt should have a way of
  configuring GPG keys that may be allowed to sign sources.list files,
  preloaded with the set of keys in the Debian keyring. This will allow
  system administrators in large environments to specify their own set
  of keys allowed to sign repositories, as well as allowing downstreams
  to add its own ways of trusting repositories.
- It may possibly add a limitation on the packages that can be
  downloaded from the given repository (so that a package repository
  cannot suddenly acquire a package "libc6", accidentally or otherwise).
  This should allow for wildcards (e.g., in my specific situation this
  field would contain "libbeid*, eid-*, beid-*")
- (It would be good if apt also added the ability to limit keys on a
  per-repository basis, already suggested in the January 2014 discussion
  but not yet implemented due to missing required infrastructure)

We could then also add a field "Default-Install:", ignored by apt but
honoured by a handler for the MIME type of sources.list files, that
would list a set of packages to install by default when adding this

Added together, this would give maintainers of third-party repositories
the following:
- A trusted path from Debian to their repository;
- Insurance (when the sources.list file is signed by multiple keys)
  against a DD leaving the project, or their key being compromised, or
- A way for their users to install the software they're using by
  clicking on a link (to the sources.list file, passed on to this MIME
  type handler) which automatically (after appropriate authentication
  and confirmation) adds the file to sources.list, runs "apt-get
  update", and installs a default set of packages from this repository.

At the same time, it would allow us to limit the possible "damage"
third-party repositories can do in several ways:
- Limit the keys with which they can sign their repositories;
- Limit the packages they can override, very much in the same way we
  limit DMs today;
- If the Pin-Priority: field as proposed by aj is implemented (doesn't
  appear to be the case today), limit the impact the repository can

Of course, the above may or may not be appropriate in some cases, so I'm
not suggesting we make any of those fields mandatory; it should be up to
the DD signing the sources.list configuration file to ensure that the
contents of that file is sane and safe.


It is easy to love a country that is famous for chocolate and beer

  -- Barack Obama, speaking in Brussels, Belgium, 2014-03-26

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