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renaming user/group of daemon in package (backuppc)

Greetings (I guess sending this to the proper address is better.  :-))

My main server for my LAN, happens to also serve as a desktop.
Including the place where I send/receive email.  It is overdue for
hardware upgrades.

When upgraded, it will probably get a "copy" of backuppc on it.  But
first this means installing BackupPC on a different computer on my LAN,
which also has RAID-10 storage to dump the backup on.

A question I have, is that the homepage and documentation pointed to
from there, talks about a facility called rsync-bpc.  This facility is
not part of the Debian package, nor is it mentioned in any of the
Debian documentation I have looked at so far.  It could be there, and I
haven't found it yet.

My intention is to use rsync.  Which means setting up OpenSSH keys.  As
all the machines I will be backing up will be running Linux, I should
be able to have OpenSSH of high enough version on all of them.  As near
as I can tell, I should be using Ed25519 keys (with no passphrase).
The remote site should be allowing a user such as backuppc to connect,
and that login should make use of sudo in order to give sufficient
permission to allow reading arbitrary files for backup.

I ran across a web page which describes the development of a utility to
help with this kind of SSH task called "only".  Debian already has a
package called only, which seems to be something like grep.


It turns out, that I will end up having two different BackupPC servers
on my LAN (at least in the short term).  And if one is going to the
trouble of setting up these SSH key logins for unpriviledged users and
making use of sudo and this "only" program (probably renamed to
Only ?), it seems to me that these two different installations should
at a minimum use two different UserIDs (perhaps backuppc1 and
backuppc2).  I am undecided as to whether they should be int he same
group or not.

An example of a potential problem, is if an upgrade becomes available,
what happens when the upgrade thinks the UserID is backuppc, when on my
system it is backuppc1?

Does anyone have some guidance on this?

Yes, I can use usermod to rename a user.


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