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Re: APT - method - message 400

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 10:32 AM Julian Andres Klode <jak@debian.org> wrote:
> On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 09:43:48AM +0200, Jędrzej Dudkiewicz wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm implementing custom Method which has *very* high chance of failure
> > during data retrieval - it is supposed to work on our devices which
> > frequently lost network connection (no network for 80-90% of the time
> > when device is running). I'm trying to figure out how my Method should
> > proceed in case such failure occurs - should I simply send Message 400
> > to apt? [...] how should I proceed if Message 400 indicates
> > permanent failure and retrieval won't be attempted from same source
> > again?
> Please avoid creating new methods, and use http.

I can't use anything except for MQTT over SSL plus I can only connect
to single port on single address plus sometimes there are servers that
I don't control. I suppose you can see how this could be a problem.

> In any case, the 400 error is for the specific run, so if you
> create a new acquire object / update transaction in packagekit
> / rerun apt, it will not be around anymore, as it's not stored
> to disk (or global memory of the process)

This is one of the best information that I got in recent days.

Thank you.
Jędrzej Dudkiewicz

I really hate this damn machine, I wish that they would sell it.
It never does just what I want, but only what I tell it.

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